// Function to get URL parameters function getQueryParam(param) { let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); return urlParams.get(param); } // Capture the 'referral' parameter let referralLink = getQueryParam('referral'); // Use referralLink in other functions below

Herbal Wizardry for Kids with Brigitte Mars – Course

Welcome to Herbal Wizardry for Kids

with Brigitte Mars!

*This video course, is an online course version of the DVD Course.

Kids today are enthralled by wizards and witches. In this lesson, Brigitte takes you into the realm of Herbal Wizardry. She’ll help kids understand the magic and wizardry of using herbs in their lives for fun, health and learning. She shows you how to make eye pillows, dream pillows, herbal baths, fruit facials, pomanders and memory sprays. She’ll teach you about color, intuition, nutrition, pendulums and conservation. And she’ll talk about growing herbs such as lemon balm, burdock, rosemary, and peppermint in your yard.

Spend some time with Brigitte Mars and learn about the magic of herbs.

Time: 50 minutes

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Thank you to the many artists and photographers whose work is shown in these works. We appreciate your contribution!

Artist: Judy Mastrangelo

Course Navigation

Course 1: Herbal Wizardry for Kids

Brigitte takes you into the realm of Herbal Wizardry.

Sign up for Herbal Healing with Brigitte Mars!